Saturday, May 16, 2009

My curly headed little girl....

....turned one today!! I can't believe a year ago today Avery Margaret was born. What a blessing she has been in this family. We got home this morning at 9:00 from our trip. Long story short, we were going to drive yesterday till we got home. We should have gotten home around 1:00 in the morning, but decided to stop 3 hours from home. There were really bad storms that we knew we were going to run into if we continued to drive. So, we woke up this morning, in the same clothes we went to bed in and got back on the road. We gave Avery her birthday gifts after we got unpacked. We then had a quiet dinner at home with the 5 of us. It was nice to sit and enjoy each other. She had her first sweet after dinner. We let her have a cupcake! She liked it at first and then decided it was better to just play with it. She was so cute!! We will be having her party next weekend, but it was nice to have a little celebration for her today.

Dear Avery,

To me, you are my Avery girl, my Affie, my Affers, and my Avery Margaret. You can light up a room from a mile away!! Out of all my girls, you smile the most and it takes nothing at all to get you to smile!! I love your curly hair and your big blue eyes. You have brought joy to this house. Your sisters love you to pieces. When you get up from a nap or in the morning, you look for them and then you give them the biggest smiles. They both think the world of you and love to look after you and "Mother" you. I love our Wednesday's alone. Just you and me...running errands and playing.

We named you after your great-Grandma and I often think of her when I look at you. The Lord knew she would never meet you. It saddens me, but I know she would love the fact that she was named after you. She would have loved to hold you and sing to you.

I rocked you to sleep tonight (you always fall asleep on your own in your bed), because I wanted time with you, I wanted to think about the last year, I wanted to tell you things I don't always tell you, I wanted to just hold you, love on you and kiss you. You fell asleep in my arms and I loved every moment of it! I then prayed and thanked God for you.

I thank God for you, Avery. You are a gift from above. I know the Lord has entrusted you to Daddy and I. I know it is our responsibility to raise you in a Godly way. I pray we will continue to do that. I know I have said this before, but I am often asked if we want a boy or if we wanted a boy when I was pregnant with you. The answer is a very firm NO. Daddy and I were thrilled to pieces to know you were a little girl. You are our little girl and we are more than thankful you are in our lives. You complete this family and we can't imagine you not being here.

Little Affie girl, know you Mama loves you! Happy Birthday!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Going on Vacation

I have not posted in a long time. It has been crazy around here. I may try and update from our vacation, but don't hold your breath! We are leaving tomorrow morning (middle of the night) around 3:00 to head out. Our prayer is the girls will sleep as we drive! We are meeting my Mom and Sister, Tim's Parents, and his two sisters and their families there. It should be a great week away. The Lord knows I need this vacation. His timing is perfect!