Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Give and Take

We got pregnant with our 3rd child around the time we were going through some tough things. God knew we needed a joy in our life at that time. Little did we know what this little baby would mean to us. I was very close to my Mom's Mom - my Grandma (and am still close to my Grandpa). My Grandma got sick this past December and was in the hospital for a week. She was then sent to a nursing home to go through some physical therapy and she was then going to be sent home if all went well. She took a turn for the worse on the Saturday before Christmas. She was admitted to the hospital and put into the ICU. She knew through all of this that she was dying. The nurses and Dr.'s said she was not, but she was sure that she was. On Sunday, the day before Christmas Eve, Mom got a call saying Grandma was wanting to see her. We left church early and Mom, Lynn, Tim and I all went up to see her. Mom, went in first to see her and then came out and told Lynn and I to go in and say our good-bye's to her. The nurses and Dr.'s still were saying she was not dying, but Grandma knew she was. Lynn and I went back in the room with Mom. We walked through the doors and Grandma said to Lynn and I "your Grandma is dying, girls". Wow...I will never forget those words. We spent he next 15 minuets talking to her telling how much we loved her and would miss her. She brought up memories of Lynn and I. We laughed and we cried. I told her I was sad she would not get to meet this baby. I was 16 weeks pregnant and we had not found out what we were having at that point. I told Grandma that I thought it was a girl, so that is what we would go with. She laughed and said it probably would be! She then asked for Tim. It was a precious moment to be in her room with my Mom, Lynn and my husband saying good-bye to her. God is good. Fast forward to that night - too many details to type out. I got home from our Christmas celebration with my Mom's side of the family and my Mom called to tell me that Grandma had died. Another moment I will never forget. Grandma did know she was dying - wow. I decided to meet the family at my Grandparent's house right after we heard the news. Up to this point in my pregnancy I had felt little flutters from the baby, but nothing that made me really stop and say, wow, that was the baby. We get over to my grandparents and we sit in the living room and start sharing memories of Grandma. As we are sitting there talking, the baby goes crazy and is kicking up a storm. It was the first time I KNEW it was the baby. It was as if God was saying to me "I give and I take away".

Tim and I agreed to find out the sex of the baby at the 20 week ultrasound. We decided to find out and not tell anyone. We did not find out the sex with our first two, so this was new to us. We went to our appointment 3 weeks after Grandma died and we found out we were having our 3rd girl. We were thrilled for many reasons and so thankful she was healthy. Weeks later Tim and I were discussing names and had a couple we liked. We both really like Avery, but couldn't settle on a middle name. One night we started talking about middle names. We use middle names that are after family members. So we listed the names we could use and Tim says what about Margaret - my Grandma's first name. I had never thought to use her name in the past. It then hit me like a ton of bricks - 1.) I told her we were having a girl, and she IS a girl. 2.) I felt the baby move right after she passed away. And 3.) at the funeral, my uncle gave the eulogy and ended with these words "AND SO WE CELEBRATE THE CIRCLE OF LIFE. MOM IS EXPERIENCING TRUE PEACE WITH THE LORD AND LISA IS 4 MONTHS PREGNANT WITH ANOTHER DESCENDANT OF MARGE AND GIL." After talking about all these things, Tim and I knew what her name would be ~ Avery Margaret. My Mom was in the delivery room when she was born and it was such an honor to be able to tell her we named her Avery Margaret. Tears were flowing.

I often look at Avery and wonder what my Grandma would think about her. I envision my Grandma holding Avery in her chair, just like she did with my other two girls.

(Grandma with Halle)

Avery will not know my Grandma and that saddens me more than I would like to admit, but she will carry on her name. What a special little girl Avery is to me. I find myself looking at Avery and reminded of Grandma. It is a constant reminder that God is in control and He does have a plan and a purpose. I am often asked if we were wanting a boy for our third because we already have 2 girls. How it hurts me when I am asked that. We wanted what God wanted for this family. He knew Grandma would die when she did and He knew Avery would be born when she was. He knew she would kick when she did and He knew I would tell Grandma it was a girl. So, did we want a boy? No, we wanted our little Avery Margaret!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I have been wanting to start this blog for weeks now and haven't been able to come up with a title for it. I finally have it and feel like this title is appropriate for my life. We are in a constant state of change. As I tucked Gracie into bed tonight, and a tear slid down my cheek, I once again was reminded of change. So, I came right to the computer and started my blog. Tomorrow I send my little (big!) girl to preschool. Tim and I can't believe she is old enough for this. Where have the 4 1/2 years gone (almost 5)? I remember having her in the hospital, not realizing what was ahead for us and this little girl. Would we ever get over acid reflux? Would she ever sleep through the night? Would she ever get her first tooth?? (When she was good and ready - 16 months old!) Would she ever listen? Would she stop throwing tantrums and screaming fits? We have made it though a lot of these issues, but there are many we are still working on, and many yet to come. I can say though, she is a sweet, loving, caring little girl. What a blessing she is to this family.

This preschool decision was a quick one for us and it is now hitting me hard! All along we had thought we would home school. Because of this we were not thinking about preschool. We then felt like the Lord was directing us in another direction, and we feel (at this time) homeschooling is not for us. We then talked about preschool last year and decided not to send her this year, for various reasons. It was a decison we thought about, talked about, and prayed about. We both felt not to send her. The day after Labor Day - this year - I felt an unbelievable sense that she needed to be in preschool. I now know it was the Lord directing me. We of course could not get her into the school we thought she should be at. After 2 weeks of looking and knocking on different doors, an opening came up at a school that Gracie's best friend goes too. We went up the next day, looked at it and met her teacher. We made the decision the following day to send her. This is where God wants her, not where I thought she should be, but where He wants her. So, as I say good-bye to her tomorrow, I do it with so many mixed emotions. But, I know it is God's plan and God's timing. His ways are higher than our ways.

Like I said in the beginning, I have been trying to come up with a blog title for weeks. I went to Bible study this past Wednesday and the lady speaking said this year's theme would be around change. It hit me then that this was to be my blog title. Over the last two years, our family has gone through a ton of change. I won't get into it now, but a year ago I was sitting in church and the Lord spoke to me though the song:

"Blessed Be Your Name" -

Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name

Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
In the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name

It is was right then and there I chose to say "Blessed be Your Name". I don't understand some of the things we have gone through, but I am comforted in knowing He gives and He takes away. What a blessing this is to me.

Back to preschool - I am so excited for Grace. We love the school and love the teacher. It is such a blessing to us. It is so awesome to me to see Him work! So, as I kiss Gracie good-bye tomorrow morning, I will remember that change is constant. I will remember that this is God's will for our life, and I will remember to say "You give and take away, my heart will choose to say Lord, blessed be your name."