My little girl turned 5 on Friday. Wow! I am still trying to take it in. Not sure where the 5 years went! I wrote Gracie a letter when she turned one, that I will give her one day. I pulled it out the night before her birthday and read it. Things were so simple then and I loved spending time with this short, chubby little girl. I loved spending all my time with her and it was just her and I. I miss those days, but I love what we have now. We have a relationship that is much deeper and I know her so much more. Grace has a strong personality and knows what she wants. At times that can be hard to work with, and other times it is nice to know what she is thinking and why. For the most part Grace is very caring and motherly. She is always worried about others and making sure they are doing what they should be doing (in a loving way). She loves life and loves to be busy. She can't really sit still (I think many would agree she gets this from me). She loves to be where the action is. I love this about her!!
We had a party for her on Friday night and it went really well. She loved every minute of it and couldn't fall asleep till 11:oo that night. She was wide awake at 6:30, ready to play with all her new things!
Dear Gracie,
I can't believe you are 5 now. Wow, have you grown. I remember when I was pregnant with you and Daddy and I were not sure what was up ahead. We didn't know if you would be a boy or a girl. Our lives changed on November 7, 2003. We had a new little girl that we fell in love with. It was all so new to us. We had so much to learn. We didn't have to learn how to love you though. That came so naturally to us. We have enjoyed watching you grow and learn. You are a smart little girl who knows what she wants. I love watching you learn and figure things out. I love our alone time together. I love taking you to Cubbies and hearing all about it as we drive home. I love going shopping with you. I love it when I pick you up from preschool and run to me. I love watching you interact with Halle. I love how you help with Avery and love on her. I love watching you love your Daddy. I love the relationship you have with him.
Thank you for loving me and forgiving me when I have not been the best Mommy. Thank you for being a great big sister to Halle and Avery. Thank you for the joy you bring to this family.
I thank God for you and pray that you will seek after Him and desire Him with your whole heart. I also pray Daddy and I can be the parents we are supposed to be.
I love you Gracie Girl!
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