Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Red Door

When my Mom and Dad built the house on Pierwood, they were trying to decided which lot they were going to build on. They drove around and noticed a white two-story with a red door. That red door stood out to my Mom and they decided to build next door. Little did we know what this would mean for our family. We became very close with the family behind the red door - The Leeseman's. Mom became friends with Julie and Lynn and I became friends with Sarah. Our families did everything together. They were like a second family to us. After my parent's got divorced, our families bonded more. Julie and chuck helped my Mom out in so many ways. We just all had a special bond. Julie passed away from cancer 3 years ago. She was like a second Mother to Lynn and I. It was hard to see Chuck and the kids go through this. I was thankful that I could walk that road with Sarah.

On Friday night, Sarah and Stacie (Sarah's older sister) and I were at a retreat given by our church. We were to room together that night. Stacie received a call that changed their lives. Their brother had passed away. I won't go into details out of respect for the family. I found myself in the middle of grief and there to walk the road with Sarah. When my parent's divorced, the Leeseman's were there for us in so many ways. It was my turn to be there for them. I never thought a friendship that started 30 years ago could be so strong. My heart hurts for Sarah. I want to take the pain away. I want to make it better for her. I can't. But, I can be there for her and pray for her and her family. I do know this - I watched Sarah lose her Mom. I watched her grieve. I watched her have to face such a tough thing. But, I watched her grieve with dignity and grace. Sarah has grown into a woman who loves her Lord and who serves Him no matter what she goes through. I have no doubt she will make it through this very difficult time. She will once again, turn to her Lord, her Savior and she will let Him heal her. She will also lean on her husband, Dad, Brother, and Sister. I have no doubt she will make it, but my heart still hurts for her.

Sarah - the Lord had a plan when that red door was painted. He knew our families would be knitted together 32 years ago. What an awesome God we serve. To think he orchestrated Friday night the way He did. I could be there for you - Just like your family had been there for us in the hard times we had. I consider it an honor to be your friend. May the peace and comfort of God's love be so Strong over these next couple of days. You know I love you and you know I am here for you.

Please keep the Leeseman, Wylde, and Fischer families in your prayers. The viewing is on Wednesday night and the funeral is on Thursday. They have a tough road ahead, but I know our Lord and Savior will be there every step of the way.

Friday, March 6, 2009


What is it with peanuts and our family?? I took Halle to the allergist today for her allergy testing and to talk to the Dr. about her asthma. Halle did exceptionally well with the testing. I remember when Grace had it done and it didn't go over so well for her. She cried through the entire process. Not Halle. She teared up a bit while they rubbed the things on her back. After the nurse left, she was nothing but laughs! She and I had the best time in the room waiting for the test to be over with. It is sad to say, but I obviously don't get many one-on-one moments with my girls. I do when we are at the Dr. or the hospital!!! I treasure these moments. I really treasure them with Halle. Halle is a very laid-back girl who plays well alone and doesn't "demand" a lot of my time or attention. Therefore, I feel she gets slided with the one-on-one time. Today was a fun day for me - her and I...laughing with her shirt off waiting for the test to be done! Moments I will not forget. I love our new Dr. and feel comfortable with the plan she has given us. I won't go into details here...too boring. Halle was tested for all kinds of allergies including food. Grace has a serve peanut allergy. I have not given Halle any kinds of nuts because 1. - it is just easier to not with Grace and 2. - There was a higher chance Halle could be allergic too. Well, she is! I guess I shouldn't be surprised! We now will have an epi pen for her as well!! I am okay with all of this, because we have lived this way for so long with Grace. I am glad we made the decision to not give Halle nuts/peanuts up to this point. We avoided one ER trip!!!